
Erisopen in new window is a lightweight Node.js library for interacting with the Discord APIopen in new window. Larger bots tend to use Eris instead of Discord.jsopen in new window, as Eris is smaller in size and faster. Discord.js has more functions than Eris, but that also means is uses more memory and bots using it tend to have performance issues when they go big.
However, the fact that Eris has less functions is nothing to worry about. There are a lot of packages on NPM to help you with that.
So, if you've read until here and decided that you still want to learn Eris, you can proceed to the next section.


This tutorial is for v0.15.1 of Eris, which does not yet support interacticonCreate and interactions. According to Discord, verified bots (bots in 100 or more servers) can no longer access message information and content, and can only use slash commands. However, if your bot is in less than 100 servers, this version is still ok for you. For large bots (verified bots, bots in more than 100 servers), message content will become a Privileged Intent—like presence and guild member data.
NOTE: Bots in less than 100 servers will not be affected at all.
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(Coming into effect April 2022, by when there will probably be a new version of Eris)


This is NOT an official Eris guide. This is just a tutorial made by a user of Eris who thinks that Eris lacks a user/beginner-friendly guide.

(This guide is modelled after the Discord.js guide)

Copyright © Dusty 2021 - 2021