Making more commands

First, let's add the one more line to the .env file:


The prefix should now be set as !. Now, to access the prefix, we just need to type process.env.PREFIX in index.js.


If you aren't familiar with some of the syntax, it might be ES6. Read up about it hereopen in new window.


Insert the following AFTER require('dotenv').config(); in index.js

const prefix = process.env.PREFIX;

We already have a simple command structure with an if/else chain, but since we are using message.content, it only check the whole message, which is...well...inflexible. It would work if you typed !ping, but not if you typed !ping test. The same goes for the other command. If you want your commands to be more flexible, you can do the following:

bot.on("messageCreate", (message) => { // When a message is created
    if(message.content.startsWith(`${prefix}ping`)) { // If the message content is "!ping""Pong!");
        // Send a message in the same channel with "Pong!"
    } else if(message.content.startsWith(`${prefix}pong`) { // Otherwise, if the message is "!pong""Ping!");
        // Respond with "Ping!"


Note that we are using template literals(``), which is ES6 syntax. As I said, go read up about them if you're not familiar with them. We can insert variables in them by using ${variable-name}.
Now the ping command will trigger whenever the message starts with !ping! Sometimes this is what you want, but other times, you may want to match only exactly !ping - it varies from case to case, so be mindful of what you need when creating commands.


Be aware that this will also match !pingpong, !pinguin, and the like. This behavior may or may not be a problem for you, but don't worry; you'll see better ways to check for commands later.

Commands that display information

Now let's make a few commands that display information. Install the moment module: npm i moment --save

Server information

Here's the command with the comments that explain it:

if(message.content.startsWith(`${prefix}server`)) { // command name
  const moment = require('moment');
  const guild =; // get the guild object
  const owner = guild.members.get(guild.ownerID); // get the guild's owner (object){ // send the message
    embed: { // the embed object
      title: 'Guild Information', // embed title
      description: `Guild information for ${} (id: \`${}\`)`, // embed description
      color: 11272041, // embed color (base-10 interger)
      thumbnail: { // thumbnail picture
        url: guild.iconURL, // set the guild's icon url as picture url
      fields: [ // embed fields
          name: 'Owner:',
          value: `${owner.username}#${owner.discriminator} (id: \`${guild.ownerID}\`)`, // owner/user information
          inline: false, // if the field should be inline (boolean)
          name: 'Created at:',
          value: `${moment.utc(guild.createdAt).format('MMMM, Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a')}`, // time the guild was created at, displayed as UTC time
          inline: false,
          name: 'Member count:',
          value: `${guild.memberCount} members`, // guild member count
          inline: false,
      footer: {
        text: 😏, // embed footer text

So there! We have also learnt how to send an embed! You can learn more about the embed, user and guild object here:

That's it for this part!

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